
About Us


Holy Rituals born from the experience and dedication of many years of research as esoteric wholesaler.

We have a wide range of products where quality and design are our identity, being widely contrasted, using the best raw materials and rigorous esoteric tradition for manufacturing.

The Holy Rituals products manufactured in Spain or imported strictly follow the esoteric-magical tradition following strict quality controls, both products as Cosmetic ceremonial use.

In addition are the official and exclusive cosmetics brand famed Mexican Urania, manufacturers of all products Siete Machos distributors, we also have distribution and other international European brands that entrust their products Holy Rituals.

We are manufacturers and direct importers, we are proud to be the only esoteric manufacturers own laboratory where we both tests, packaging, labeling and testing of each of our articles. Our technical and our responsible production care that each of these products meet all the above in addition to continue researching and creating ranges that help every day to our customers to offer consumers an esoteric article than a simple more product, but the best.

Our facilities with over 700 m2 well equipped, with a special section for storage of esoteric-cosmetic products, car imports, shop exhibition, production workshop area of ​​experiments and creating new ranges, storage area amulets , talismans, all other ranges we work and packing and shipping area.

We sell exclusively to companies, freelancers, professionals and shops. Can also be made to third parties, creating exclusive for some of our customers that we require, in fact some of the most important esoteric brands in Europe and work with us ranges.

In our quest for continuous improvement, always innovating to bring new products to market fully guaranteed, which will inform you promptly.

You will be the first / a in to test their effectiveness and quality!

We invite you to visit us either physically or virtually through our social networks or

We have a live chat to answer your questions as well as open phone lines and email inquiries.

We would like to have you as a customer and friend / a! We are waiting.


Fiscal Address: Street Miguel Fulgencio # 5 28039 Madrid

Store exhibition, manufactures, and distributes laboratory: street nº132 Field 13700. Tomelloso Ciudad Real. Tel: 926511178

Email: or

CIF: B88339213

Constituted by a deed authorized by the Notary of Madrid Don Francisco Marcos Diaz,

With the number 3,098 of his protocol and registered in the Commercial Register of Madrid, volume 26,830, folio 210, section 8, page M-483493, entry 1.